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Next Step Navigator


If you want to gain confidence and get excited about your next step after High School you are in the right place!

Next Step Navigator was created to provide students in their final years with the support, inspiration and tools to:

1) Understand themselves on a deeper level +

2) Explore and uncover career possibilities.

Move from overwhelmed to empowered as you take bold action and are inspired by the exploration of what is really possible for you...

What's included in Next Step Navigator:

  • Unlock your potential

Get to know yourself: your interests, values and strengths.

We will discuss and implement tools and resources to help you reflect and think about your unique make up + how that plays a role in work and life satisfaction.

  • Thrive in your Career

We will look at the current career climate and world of work including the fundamental skills to build for career success.

Learn the fundamentals of a career mindset that will support you to make confident career decisions and thrive in your work environment and career.

  • Explore Possibilities

You will have the chance to research and explore career possibilities using a range of support tools, and a healthy dose of inspiration. This module is designed as a choose your own adventure.

Tutorials on how to research Study + Work pathways, Apprenticeships, Gap year options, Networking. Uncover what is really possible for you!

  • Create your Future

In this Module you will get to bring all of your research and learnings together to create your Career PlayBook.

This PlayBook is a working document that will be a total Game changer!

Each module is supported by Video tutorials, PlayBooks and templates. NSN has been streamlined and fine-tuned so that teens can learn what they need and gain the inspiration to take action. This course will save students time as they are provided with resources and templates that will allow them to gain insights and move forward more quickly and get excited about their next step.

NSN is self paced with the option to include 2 x Coaching calls. Note: there are only limited places for the Coaching call options. 30 minute options are also exclusive to this package and cannot be purchased separately unless you are an existing client.

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